
Celebrating International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day - how-to stay financially independent as women By Serenity Financial Planning   A CONVERSATION I have far too often with women is how they have struggled to maintain their financial independence and goals throughout the many...

How-to Have Better Conversations About Money

How-to Have Better Conversations About Money

DEPENDING on how you were raised and the influences that came into your life from an early age, talking about money can often be seen as taboo. While we are happy to watch people talk about it on social media or spend tens of thousands of dollars without worry on...

What does a financial planner actually do?

What does a financial planner actually do?

EVER found yourself asking - what does a financial planner actually do? Or, what’s the difference between a financial planner, accountant, tax agent and bookkeeper don’t they all kinda do the same thing? We get it. It’s a confusing space. To keep it simple, all of...